I came across this advice on another blog and I'm sure 'Salty John' won't mind me sharing it here.
"Cardinal buoys are, as many of you will know, yellow and black and have two cones on the top which help to identify them as North, South, East or West marks. The two cones point up on the North marker and down on the South marker – very logical.
On the West marker the top cone points down and the bottom cone point
s up. On the East marker the top cone points up and the bottom cone points down. There’s no apparent logic to this so they are more difficult to remember and various mnemonics have been suggested: Because the West top mark looks like a bobbin you’re supposed to think ‘wind wool’, west. Eh?
I prefer to think of the West top mark as the shape of a woman as outlined by the hands of a wolf-whistling admirer – waist equals west. Simple.You may use that with my compliments."
Reproduced with thanks to http://www.saltyjohntheblog.com/
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