Cornish Shrimper - Daislebee

Cornish Shrimper - Daislebee

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Kayak progress

Rain and other jobs caused a bit of a halt but since last time I have nailed and glued the inwhales tp the side boards. They add stiffness to the side boards as well as forming a shelf onto which the top deck is secured

Once the epoxy has dried overnight I cut off the ends flush with the boards.

The next job was to join the two bottom panels, which required holes to be drilled along the edges and I then used cable ties to link them together.

The side boards required connecting in the same way which required some tape and lashing to hold things together temporarily.

Temporary lashing

Side and bottom panels connected

Hull taking shape

With the addition of a temporary T piece in the centre of the flooring and with the cable ties adjusted the hulls has begun to take shape.

You can see in this photo an enlargement showing a tip I picked up from YouTube - using small sections of old pipe to maintain the shape of the hull.

Taking shape - using pipe spacers

Rain stopped play, even under my awning to everything was left covered over. The next job will be to see in that mitre glue and spray will tack the wood together so I can fillet the epoxy along the joints in one go - or will I have to epoxy in dabs before cutting the cable ties and filling in between them.

I have been told that I can't call this Project Noah and the kayak is obviously female to so
welcome to Project Nora.....

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